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Copyright (c) 2010 by Community of Research (CoRe)-Management Science (MS) and Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

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Business & Management Quarterly Review (BMQR) is jointly published by Community of Research (CoRe)-Management Science (MS) and Faculty of Business Management (FBM), Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Vol.3, Issue. 4, 2012

Article 1: Designing Framework for Service Satisfaction in Conventional Electricity Industry in India
By: Satapathy S, Patel S.K, Mohapatra S.S., and Mishra P.D.
Competition in the electric service industry is highlighting the importance of a number of issues affecting the nature and quality of customer service. The quality of service(s) provided to electricity customers may be enhanced by competition, if doing so offers service suppliers a competitive advantage. On the other hand, service quality offered to some consumers could decline if utilities focus their attention on those customers most likely to exercise choice, while reducing effort and investment to serve customers less likely to choose alternatives. Service quality is defined as the way in which the utility interacts with and responds to the needs of its customers. To achieve maximum consumer satisfaction in Electricity service, This Paper has designed a frame work by QFD and also find interrelationship between these design requirements by ISM.
Keywords: Service Quality, ANN, QFD, ISM, Electricity Utility, Consumer satisfaction
Article 2: Examining business potential and growth in textile and apparel industry: A case study in Malaysia
By: Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Noorazrin Izni Md. Nor, Norhayati Abu Bakar and Zunita Zubir
This article examines business potential and growth in textile and apparel industry in Malaysia. Based on strategic management tools ABC Sdn Bhd is potential to be expanding and contribute to Malaysian economic growth. This is probably the first that investigate textile and apparel industry in Malaysia using extensive strategic management. The results provide insights on how the textile and apparel industry could improve upon their business strategy.
Keywords: business potential, growth, textile and apparel industry, Malaysia
Article 3: Factors that influence the effectiveness of transit advertising
By: Nor Aini Hassanuddin and Sakinah Mat Zin
This study involved a survey commissioned to obtain LRT main-user’s response towards transit advertising. This paper investigates the factors influencing the effectiveness of transit advertising. With the awareness and perception as independent variables, this paper examines how these factors influence the receptivity as well as the effectiveness of transit advertising. The sampling method used in this study is Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Personally-administered questionnaire were distributed randomly among respondents at nine selected LRT’s stations. Descriptive analysis was used to gauge the insidious factors that influence users’ preference by using the Pearson Chi- Sq test. Evidence shows that attentiveness towards advertisements placed at 6 chosen vicinities is directly correlated with the status of the respondents and their socio-demographic characteristics. Almost 40.0% of all respondents admitted that the advertisements failed to induce them in buying, whereas 33.9% opt to purchase and use the advertised products or services in the near future. Only a small number of the respondents will immediately buy the advertised products. From the analysis, it has found that awareness towards the advertisement is the only factor that influences respondents’ desire towards the advertised products. Nonetheless, awareness is only triggering a low impact on them in determining whether they will or will not purchase the advertised products. Findings of this study will provide an insight to the management in evaluating the effectiveness of transit advertising.
Keywords : Advertising, effectiveness, business, management, awareness
Article 4: Potentials and bumiputra opportunities of LED industry in Malaysia
By: Zaidi Shahrim and Muhammad Mazlan Farid Mastar
The technology in LED has rapidly grown in the world, and Malaysia is one of the countries that are striving to cope with the LEDs advancement. LED (Light Emitting Diodes) has becoming popular in the use of lighting sources for instant in the applications of lightings such as signboards, car lamps and also including general lightings such as indoor lighting applications. The LED that has been used for general lighting sources can provide approximately equivalent light output of conventional lamp with only requiring half of the input power demand. Therefore, this is a great potential to replace the conventional lighting with LED lighting sources for indoor and outdoor applications. In summary, the usage of LED has widened from commercial up to household usage. The continuous improvement of LED technology gives a lot of advantages for lighting system especially in terms of less energy consumption and reduces maintenances cost. This paper will focus on LED growth in Malaysia, opportunities and benefits for Malaysian companies especially for Bumiputeras’ companies to compete and cater demanding market.
Keywords: Bumiputra, LED industry, Malaysia
Article 5: Survival of bumiputra business in creative multimedia industry in Malaysia
By: Aida Rozita Sulaiman and Zurin Suhana Abd Aziz
The objective of the study is to determine factors that influence of surviving the Bumiputera business in creative industry in Malaysia. A few tools have been used in the research and they are SWOT analysis, SPACE matrix, and QSPM matrix. The findings revealed the strategies and recommendations of Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) to support the Bumiputera animation company in creative multimedia industry.
Keywords: Survival, creative multimedia industry, MDEC, Malaysia


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